Kelvin is a A.I. Series C Startup whose machine sensors simplify the management of complex data systems. I created and expanded their design system so it can support the operational and data driven complexities of the industrial client base. see more »
I was tasked with improving the usability of our data tables as part of our Design System effort. I designed rules and guidelines to establish truncation and adaptive columns that brought the table to industry standards... see more »
Kelvin was limiting user engagement and trust by disabling edit and delete functionality of generated tickets. I designed the UI, UX and rules for renewed editability and delete actions in a complex ticketing system that put control back in the users hands. see more »
Kelvin's data tables were taking a long time to load any type of sensor or metric data. This was causing cognitive dissonace for users as they weren't able to see available data immediately. We applied a lazy load structure that loads data progressively as skeleton styles and rendered content.
Granular, a SaaS company that creates software to help farmers manage their farming business more efficiently, needed a CSV importing tool to allow their customers to import CSV files so all data can be in one place... see more »
Granular aims to provide farmers the financial tools they need to make better decisions for their farm. I designed a tool to allow them to manage and track the costs of their production and return... see more »
Granular was building out new features and functionality very fast, but without clear UI standards and guidelines. Accumulating a lot of design debt across web pages. I created a system of guidelines and styles for our dropdowns, tables, rows and groups.
Granular needed a tool that would allow farmers to run template and custom reports on their farm. Farmers share these reports with their landowners and insurance companies.
I was the lead designer on the California Academy of Sciences website redesign project... see more »
I designed banners that complimented the new website style guide. These banners were used on our shopping cart and email newsletters.
I was tasked with creating a design that illustrated the journey of how our species (Homosapiens) migrated out of Africa 200,000 years ago. The design would compliment the Human Odyssey exhibit as a digital experience... see more »
Living in San Francisco I am no stranger to the awesome power of Earthquakes. So I was overjoyed to have the opportunity to produce 5 data driven visual and interactive experiences that communicate the science of earthquakes to the California Academy of Sciences visitor... see more »
The California Academy of Sciences needed an Ipad interface that allowed users to become immersed in the unique world of animal mating strategies and reproductive behaviors... see more »
I have omitted much of the insights, constraints and concepts from these projects for the sake of confidentiality. I think those details are more interesting to chat about in person anyway, so I've developed some more detailed case studies that I'd be happy to share in person.